Friday, January 4, 2008

The Tenth Day of Christmas

It is the day after the Iowa caucuses and the news outlets are busy spinning the outcomes to match their own agendas. It is an interesting process to watch, kind of like hauling manure on the farm: if your 'material' is just loose enough and you drive just fast enough, you are bound to get a bit of 'material' on just about everything along the path, covering all the bases, as it were. It seems that is just about what the spin masters are trying to do: cover all the bases, declare victory in whatever way they can, and move on to the states that 'really matter'.
On this tenth day of Christmas, on a day when tradition holds to 'ten lords a-leaping' and the ancient Church holds to the precious place of the Ten Commandments, I am wondering what music it is that makes us dance and what belief is it that takes our breath away.
Political pundits from every camp want to be the court musicians that entertain our every need, promising to play whatever it is every individual in the crowded court desires, regardless of how much time it takes. Consequently, the more they play, the less I want to listen to them.
On this tenth day of Christmas, I am not seeking promises for my vote, I am looking for the presence of God in faith lived well. I am looking for integrity in campaign behavior as well as resilience and consistency in personal achievements. I am looking for wise people on a journey pointing towards something bigger than themselves, capable of inviting others to see with their eyes what God is doing. I do not want to dance to their music. I live to leap to the music of the Lord in justice, peace and equity.
On this tenth day of Christmas, we are reminded by the Ten Commandments that just they are not an end in and of themselves, neither are we. Those who subscribe to that notion will die because of it. Rather, the Ten Commandments point to the greater Good, the One who authors the very sound of their words, the One whose in whose imagination the very wonders of worship of God, mutual respect, love of neighbor, and integrity of self are begun. Like those Ten Commandments, we - and the politicians among us - are invited to live into the vision God has for all creation: coming home together in Joy. That is what makes me dance. That is the Star which takes my breath away. I pray it does for you, as well.
God's strength be with you on the journey - Bethlehem is not far away.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Don

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