Saturday, January 26, 2008

Getting Ready for Worship

Two different times this week I have been asked how long it takes to prepare for the preaching moment. Two different people, two different times, with two different agendas waiting in the wings while I tried to answer their initial question: "How long does it take you to prepare for Sunday morning worship?"
One thing I have discovered about myself over the years is that the 'really insightful come-back' I should have delivered on the spot when certain questions are asked or certain statements are made, always seem to come to me quite a while after the moment is passed. This was one of those times.
Here in the office, it occurs to me that the question asked of me is one that might be asked of all people who exercise their faith with any sort of regularity: "How long does it take you to prepare for Sunday morning (or Saturday night, or Wednesday night, or Sunday evening - your choice)?" How long does it take you to get yourself ready to worship God?
Regardless of how long it takes the Pastor to prepare for worship, how long does it take you to prepare your heart? To prepare your soul? Or is that something you choose to leave up to the Pastor, as though they might be able to do it for you? How much time do you spend in prayer? How much time to you spend reading scripture? How much time do you spend in quiet meditation? How much time do you spend on your knees with your hands folded, as opposed to standing on your feet with your index finger pointed? How much time do you spend sharing the journey with the God of your faith? How often is God allowed to be in the intimate details of your daily living? How often is God given a witness in the words of your living? How ready is your life to receive Christ again, and again, and again, when the faith family gathers in celebration of all that is God's Joy?
How long does it take you to get ready for worship?
My suspicion is, for most folks, such preparation is left up to the Pastor, which means that most folks cheat themselves of what God intends for them to receive as the community gathers in praise. Just as standing in a garage does not make you a car, taking a seat in a sanctuary does not make you a Christian. 'Christian' is a verb of faith and requires that the one claiming the name, exercise the faith before God and with others.
If you are letting the preparation for worship up to your Pastor, then the one most ready to worship God will be your Pastor. You will be little more than a spectator on the sidelines, either cheering on the team or complaining about the show.
God knows how long you take to get ready for worship, really, God knows. The clothes you wear do not make you ready to worship God. The openness of your heart, the praise in your soul, the hunger of your faith, and the fullness of God's Spirit within you, all contribute to make a person really ready. Are you ready? Are you preparing? The Sabbath is almost upon us, don't allow your Pastor to be the only one ready to praise God's Name! Be ready to give God the best of your heart, mind and soul as the celebration begins!
How long does it take you to get ready for worship? A lifetime, my friends, a lifetime.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Don

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