Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Little Fishing

The Gospel text from the lectionary for this day is from the Gospel according to Matthew 4:12-23 and relates, among other things, the call story of Simon, Andrew, James and John. Jesus says to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people."
I doubt that Jesus, on the day in which He spoke these words, could have ever imagined the commercial fishing industry as we experience it today. Today, great fleets of ships go out and bring in tuna, salmon, sword fish, codfish, shark, and even whales. Today, commercial fisheries raise catfish, trout, bass, and red ear. Today, if it can't be done in bulk, it isn't worth doing.
Somehow, I doubt that is what Jesus had in mind as He called His disciples.
Christianity is about relationships . . . and, most importantly, about following Jesus. He is the One who makes us fishers of people. He is the Captain of the ship. He is the One who sets the tone. He is the One who touches, welcomes, receives, forgives, blesses, listens, sends forth, gives power, is humble, is servant, is Lord of all. Jesus is a Fisherman.
We would do well, in this age of 'mass everything', to remember the One who calls us all: He wants to lead us, hand in hand, in the lives we lead. He has no need to be 'branded', with His picture on some flag over the bridge of the ship or his Name embossed over the stern.
"Follow me, and I will make you fish for people" means exactly that: be humble enough to give your life over to Jesus, and the rest will be in His hands as well. He is the ship of our salvation. Join Him for the ride . . . and work . . . of your life!
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Don

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