Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Eleventh Day of Christmas

What must the three Wise Men have thought as they neared Bethlehem? A day's journey away, we pause outside the city and ponder what sort of Truth this is that God is revealing, what sort of Savior God is sending. A day's journey away, we pause with good cause, for in the city not far away is the One who will transform a people, a culture, a government, a world, a faith. Not far away is the One worthy of receiving the gold of the earthly riches, the frankincense of incredible pleasantness in the midst of our world's despair, and the myrrh reserved for the highest of royalty at their burial. Not far away is the One over which a star shines brightly . . . and now we are at the foot of His throne.
Come, worship the King, pondering all that God is yet to reveal in Him.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Don

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