Friday, March 16, 2012

Not Worried

This is Recognition Week at the Air Force Academy, the final 'push' for the 4th Class Cadets (Freshmen) towards being 'Recognized' as full-fledged Cadets in the Wing (or, as some would say, 'having a life again'). It hardly seems a year ago that Ched went through that process, so when I spoke to him yesterday via text and he said he was going to be busy over the weekend with Recognition, I reminded him, "Remember, you once were a Freshmen . . . then do what you have to do . . . with honor." He texted back a 'smiley face' and said, 'Don't worry.'

I'm not worried. The Air Force Academy, like all the service academies, has long-standing traditions which both shape and build the Cadet corps. Those traditions are administered and evaluated by folks much higher ranking than the Cadets, ensuring safety and honor throughout. Still, that 'parent-thing', that radar, that sense of protecting the brood, that little lighthouse guarding the coastline, rings quietly in my heart and soul, "I pray they remember their faith and values, and are always safe in God's hands." Did you ever say such a prayer?

The truth is, I say that prayer about a hundred times a day. I'm not worried, I'm just doing what I believe a parent should do. I'm doing what I know God does, what God expresses to all of humanity in the presence of Christ, 'Remember . . . once you were no people, now you are My people. Remember how I led you up out of slavery, how I walked with you down the Via Dolorosa, how I showed you an empty tomb. Remember, then do what you have to do . . . with honor.' I am not worried, yet this day I pray for the entire Cadet Corps of the Air Force Academy during Recognition Week: that each of them recognizes the One who guards and guides them; that each of them remember the land from which they came; that each of them work with the other to move forward in faith towards the land they are promised; and, that each of them reflect the honor entrusted them, not just in service to Country, but also in who God has created each one to become.

I pray not out of worry, but because of who God is and who I am becoming because of God's nearness. I pray, for there is nothing else I would rather be doing than talking with God as our children mature and find their direction along the way. I pray, for the Holy Parent of us all has taught us so to live and it is my honor so to do each day.

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