Wednesday, March 14, 2012

All-ee, All-ee, in Free!

A child's voice floats seamlessly over the gathering shadows of late day's twilight, "All-ee, all-ee, in free! All-ee, All-ee, in free!" Ah, the sweet lilt of song and words which please the child's ears who has managed to remain hidden, undetected for a long enough time that, finally, the one who is 'It' in the game of Hide-and-Go-Seek is giving up in forlorn dejection. Yet, the same soft song becomes a bitter draught in the throat of the one who must sing it, for try as they may, the other has outwitted them, out-thought them, outdone them. "All-ee, all-ee, in free!"

Walking along the early morning streets of Lebanon with robins, cardinals, and blackbirds singing their waking music, I found my heart gathered in the freedom of one who was emerging from Winter's slumber, hearkened to joy by the song of God's chorus who, in bursting delight welcomed me from the hiding places of a cold season's demands. "All-ee, all-ee, in free!" 'Come out and savor the wonder!', 'Come out and taste of the Creator's goodness!' 'Come out, come out, wherever you are!' Like Moses leading the Israelite children out of Egypt through the sea, like Joshua leading the children out of the wilderness into the Promised Land, like Jesus standing at the door of an empty tomb and asking of Mary, "Woman, why are you weeping?", we are daily being led from our hiding places into the light of God's goodness, if only we heed the song and follow God's voice. No more hoping never to be found. No more crouching down so low that others will not notice. No more praying that the sound of breathing will betray your place of concealment.

Today is the day to celebrate God's freedom offered to you through Christ. Today is the day to rejoice in God's ongoing song of new life. Today is the day to receive the invitation and come running to 'Home base'. "All-ee, all-ee, in free!" is being sung for you on the lips of God's angels among us. The Kingdom has come near. Come out and marvel in the Light!

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