Friday, March 23, 2012

Facebook or Not

Reading through this morning's Facebook posts, I got to wondering about what God thinks of our post-able priorities. Because you can take a picture of something with your cell phone and post it, should you? Because you can type some words about someone or something, should you? Because you are of one bent or another politically, economically, culturally, religiously or socially, and can post ad nauseum about it without fear of direct responsibility for your words or images, should you? I am wondering about our post-able priorities and admit I have no easy answers. I am, after all, a part of it.

How did Jesus deal with all the hype around him? The pro-Rome, anti-Israel sentiments? The 'new-cult' haters? The pro-tradition platform folk? The people who were always passing off opinion as fact? The folks who wanted healing without future encumbrances? The ones who knew well how to complain about the state of the world, but wouldn't constructively engage in being a part of the solution? The folks who complained about the politics of Rome while modeling similar behaviors around Jerusalem?

Would Jesus have answered positively to my Facebook request by pushing the FRIEND button or would he have rathered push the IGNORE button just so he wouldn't have to read my clever posts? It makes me wonder, especially since Jesus displayed such a propensity for personal conversations. Would Jesus even have spent any time on Facebook at all?

In a conversation this morning about Facebook and the incredible amount of time apparently being spent on it, a friend suggested to me that, "Facebook is what you make of it, communication tool or idol." Good words of wisdom.

I can't judge what others do or how they choose to express themselves or their opinions, I can only choose what path I will follow . . . which is essentially what Jesus did in his ministry. I only pray to be half as focused and faithful in living my Baptism as he was amidst all the people with whom he journeyed, Facebook or not.

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