Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sweet, Sweet Sunshine

Lord, remind me of this May day when the sun was shining so brightly everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Remind me of this day when, in the 100 plus degree heat and 90 percent humidity of August, I cry out to you in the midst of the foul moods such days foster. Remind me of this day when there are no more strawberries to be picked and no more lettuce to be cut. Remind me of this day when the radishes are all pulled up and the roses have no more blooms to share. Remind me of this day . . . that I never forget your steadfast love every day.
I picked a heaping handful of plump red strawberries from our patch this morning, stopped by the big red and pink roses and drew in a delicious breath of air, then pulled a few pulled a few radishes from the garden, before putting up the vine supports along the fence for the watermelons and cucumbers. As much as I have groused about all the rain, the vegetables and flowers seem to have made the most of it, shooting up and sending out early blossoms, being fruitful while there is an ample supply of moisture with which to create fruit. God is good. All the time.
It is a gift we are given, you know, this life we live, and all God asks is that we walk with God in a spirit of thanksgiving. Giving thanks, instead of carping all the time, is the difference between really understanding and worshipping the One from whom all blessings come, and feeling like we have a right and entitlement to only the best of what there is to be offered. It is the difference, I think, between believing there are Third World countries which are underdeveloped, and walking with our Maker in one world where all people are regarded equally and resources are shared equitably. It is one thing to pick a handful of strawberries, take them in, wash them, cut them up, and serve them to your family . . . and quite another to take them in, wash them, take some to a neighbor who has none, then share with your family the bounty of a generous spirit AND wonderful strawberries, feeding two families and God only knows how many souls.
So, God, remind me of this day in late May the next time I forget to stop and count my blessings. Remind me that I never forget the Source of all blessings and continually share them every day. Remind me that I, too, may be a faithful reminder to others who walk this way with me. In Jesus' name.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Don

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it any better myself. I have been so thankful for the days of beautiful weather even though they are few and far between sometimes. We take full advantage of the nice sunny days by sitting outside and soaking it all up.