Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Signs of God's Grace

It never ceases to amaze me the number of folks who feel it is their 'duty' to keep me up to date with the 'good Christian work' which needs my attention: the deaths, the separations, the arguments, the drinking, the drugs, the cheating, the bad business deals, the sick, the dying, those who are sick of others, and those who wish their lives away. It is all there, in the midst of the rotating door of a Pastor's Office, in oft felt genuine concern and in the occasional need to be in the middle of the juicy gossip, there is the conversation everyone trusts me to keep confidential, otherwise known as the 'good Christian work' of the Pastor.
Sometimes, it makes it very difficult to see the obvious signs of God's grace abounding in our world and, sometimes, it makes it downright impossible. Which leads me to wonder when the last time was that someone stopped by my office or called me on the telephone just to let me know that they had just quietly observed a spectacular sunset, or that a neighbor had just blessed them with some particular kindness, or that they had received a glowing report from the doctor, or that their children are wonderfully adjusted even in spite of their busy schedules, or that the person they had married some years ago just told them how much more in love they were, or . . . well, you get the idea. Those are the conversations to which a Pastor is seldom privileged, because that kind of news just isn't as juicy. Or, is it?
God makes me stop in my tracks with a bright dawning morning and my awe is incomprehensible. God makes me blush with wonder at the sight of newly emerging plants bursting forth from the soil. God makes me giggle in joy at the sound of geese flying in formation far above the earth moving in their annual migrations. God brings my hands together in a prayer of thanksgiving in the simple gift of family gathered around the table sharing stories and laughter in daily travels. God fills my heart with good news when a doctors report is negative and health is being restored. God affirms the faith in my soul when my wife tenderly takes my hand in the midst of the crush of humanity and reminds me I am not alone. To me, this is the juiciest of news, the most insightful of moments, the depths of God's heart being made public.
It is a telling truth when television news broadcasters pat themselves on the back for sharing one bit of good news in the midst of an hours worth of sadness and oppression. It is a revealing notion that the consuming public would rather hear of the salable bad news which will worry them through the night-time of their living, rather than be uplifted for the daytime of their life. It is a moment to mull in my life when, in the moment of receiving some bit of difficult news, I am ready to drop everything else to go attend to the issue . . . . and when receiving some bit of good news, I will continue what it was I was doing until it is done before I do anything in response. Which makes me wonder who is conditioning whom?
Maybe if Pastors were more attentive to the signs of God's grace so, too, would be the people. Maybe we both need to remind each other of that which is subtly, yet powerfully important for our spiritual health. It shouldn't be lost on any of us that the only ones noted as being present for the birth of Christ were some shepherds and Wise Men, yet when He was crucified the whole city showed up to watch. Hmmmmmm.
It is something on which to ponder.
Watching for signs of God's grace,
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Don

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