Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Herb's Birthday

On the day Nancy, Matt, Ray and I moved to Culver, Indiana where I had accepted a call to serve Grace United Church of Christ as their Pastor & Teacher, we found ourselves overwhelmed by the task facing us. No, I am not speaking of the Grace UCC faith family, they were, and are, a great congregation! I'm speaking of unpacking our meager goods and possessions in a foreign land.

Having never lived anywhere away from our home town, Nancy and I were filled with more than just a bit of trepidation as to what this move would mean for our family and unpacking our boxes only made 'home' even farther away. Matt and Ray saw our move as just another adventure and Ray wanted to know what part of the parsonage was ours to live in . . . for up to that moment Ray had only known life in an apartment building shared with others who lived in the same building. The concept of having a whole house for just our family to live in hadn't even crossed his radar. As he said it, "We lived in the Governor's House in Marissa and now we get to live in our own house!" (We lived in government housing for eight years while Nancy and I completed our education, thus his comment.)

While the kids explored the neighborhood, we set at unpacking and settling in. On one of my forays outside I heard someone calling me from across the yards, "Hey, neighbor! My name is Herb Kissell and my wife, Dottie, and I were wondering if you would like to join us for dinner this evening. I've got plenty of meat on the grill and you all would be welcome to join us!" There is much more to this story which will be saved for another time, but those first words Herb Kissell spoke to the newest of the resident aliens in Culver, Indiana will never be forgotten, for Herb and Dottie not only saved our lives that evening, in doing so, they became some of the best friends we have. Herb & Dottie, along with their children, Jon, Paul, Angie, and Andrew . . . along with their dog, Bud, taught us the meaning of community, the necessity to look out for each other, and introduced us to the joy which is found in backyard friends and family . . . lessons we have never forgotten and will always cherish with their lives in our hearts.

Today is Herb's birthday and I figure the best gift I can give him (besides a handle of Jim Beam!) is the gift of reminding him how much his life has, and continues to, transform others. Herb grew up in the shadow of Notre Dame in South Bend and he learned from his parents the need for faith lived well, the priority of Christianity practiced next door, and the power of open arms ready to embrace another as he has been embraced in Christ. Since first we met, I don't know that I can name you another person who connects with so many with such ease. That evening we first sat at their dining room table stays as close to my heart as does the story of Jesus with the disciples in the Upper Room for, truly, those events are more alike than different, if for no other reason than in both places the table always has room for more and feeds the soul as much as the body. We should all be so named and known, both by the Christ of our faith and by Herb Kissell of Culver, Indiana.

Herb is a year older than dirt and, not that I'm anticipating anything or hurrying things along, but I have a sneaking suspicion that, when Herb's time comes to meet our Maker, he will be very, very much at home in what happens there because he has always practiced it here on earth . . . and I and our family are among the blessed recipients of his care. I only pray to be able to pass on the gift as I have received it, for that is the truest compliment I could ever give, both to Christ and Herb. As I remember those moments this day, so I live to serve each day.

Happy birthday, my friend! You are a gift of God!

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