Friday, June 15, 2012

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take . . . "

Evening prayers . . . the words of which taught my young mind and heart the transiency of life and the need to trust all our days to be in the Lord's hands. These words are followed by petitions for blessings to surround family, friends, the church, and anyone/anything else which might be on your mind.

This prayer, along with "Come, Lord Jesus, be Thou our guest and let this food to us be blessed. Amen." were the two prayers that shaped my early prayer life most profoundly and consistently, primarily because they were spoken every day and, often, with my parents.

How many parents still pray with their children? How many children witness their parent's bowed heads, folded hands, and heartfelt words? How many times do young eyes see and developing ears hear a humble cry, a faith-based appeal, or a praise of thanksgiving rendered unto God? How many children grow up with the sense of God's imminence because someone who loved them sat with them and prayed with them? How many parents or even grandparents dare to render devotion and worship of Something/Someone greater than themselves with those who are depending on them to give them real survival skills?

"I can do it myself!" are the words of child wanting to take on the next big step and prove to another their abilities. "I can do all things in the One who saves me" are the words of wisdom and faith which are grounded in life's toughest experiences. Which are the words, the actions, you are teaching the most impressionable around you?

Thank you, God, for parents, grandparents, a church family and a loving community, all of whom taught me to love and trust You! Grant me the wisdom, faith and pace to do the same for those who most depend upon me. Amen.

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