Thursday, May 17, 2012

Matt's Surprise

"Your oldest son took care of me", is what a friend and colleague told me as we chatted on the phone yesterday. Caught a bit unaware and wondering what Matt might have been up to, I asked, "How?" All the while thinking, 'Changed a flat tire', 'Helped moved a couch', 'Organized a meeting', or 'Spoke to an issue I supported', would be among the responses my friend would cite, instead he said, "I asked him a question about parsonage allowance. Matt researched it and got me the answers I needed."

Imagine that, our son is a professional and people ask him to help them! Never mind that Matt is 33 years old and has had a variety of professional experiences added to his resume already. Never mind that he studies constantly, works continuously, and networks unceasingly. Never mind that Matt has served on the Illinois South Conference of the United Church of Christ Personnel Committee for a number of years, chairing it for the last two years. Never mind that Matt is deeply invested in his faith and endeavors constantly that his daughter's would know the Christ of his faith. Never mind all that he has and is accomplishing . . .

I was still taken somewhat aback when my friend and colleague said to me, "Your oldest son took care of me", for in my eyes Matt is still 'my boy', my son. As my friend affirmed Matt's gifts, I connected with the Baptism of Jesus in a whole new way: "You are my Son, the beloved; with you I am well pleased" (Mark 1.11), became for me, "Yes! Alright! Way to go! You did it! I couldn't have asked for more! I'm so proud of you!" If we could see it, what would be the 'happy dance' God does when we live in the way we are birthed to live, when we follow in faith the hope within us? Scripture records a rather 'dry' affirmation from God of Jesus in Baptism, but I would like to bet that, much as I did in hearing of Matt's assistance of a friend, God did that parental dance in the public setting of the Kingdom which mortifies every child who sees it. Maybe God said those words just as they are recorded, but those words cannot contain the joy of a parent's heart when their child amazes them all over again.

Thank you, Matt, for being the son you are. I am so very pleased with you! And, thank you God for giving me the language and the 'moves' to express such joy! May our children always surprise us so powerfully and may our response to their gifts always cause us to sing and dance, regardless what they may think.

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