Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Prayer for the Basic Cadets

Holy God, singular Authority above all,
Author of 'the chain of command',
Visionary of freedom,
Spirit of service,
Hear the prayers of your children this day:
We pray for the Basic Cadets of the Air Force Academy
in the midst of their Basic Training.
As the Israelites journeyed through the wilderness
and trusted You for every good thing they needed,
may our Basic Cadets find, in every step of their training:
reason to know Your nearness;
strength for every challenge;
food to nourish their bodies;
camaraderie in those around them;
quality leadership in those above them;
a design of program which will build them;
a sense of accomplishment which will urge them;
and a purpose of heart which will keep them.
We pray for them a sense of unity,
a certainty of soul,
a blending of minds,
and a desire to achieve which will mark their class
as faithful to You.
We pray that their generation
will discover in justice, peace,
in mercy, hope,
in equity, life,
in giving, love,
and in serving, freedom.
We pray that the color 'red' which marks their class
will be for them the color of passion,
in pursuing their dreams,
in seeking their gifts,
in serving our country's interests,
and in lives of integrity, truthfulness, and honesty
before You.
And we pray this day, O God,
that the Holy Advocate fill them
with clearness of thought,
decisiveness of action,
tenderness in attention to those less fortunate,
advocacy for those in need,
respect for those who have gone before them,
and a desire to have their journey remembered,
not for what they have done,
but by who they have been
in relationship with You.
We pray these things
in the name of the One who has taught us to pray
in the midst of every trial,
to persevere in the face of every enemy,
and to overcome evil through devotion to You,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.

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