Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Prayer for Farmers in a Wet Year

We offer this prayer, O God,
for those who till the soil,
for those whose hands
and lives
are entwined with Your Own,
in a time when they
perceive their hopes
sinking beneath
the rivulets of water,
washing the seed
and dreams
of a bountiful harvest
into rivers of despair.
We pray for Sunshine
to dry the soil
and lift the spirit.
We pray for Your Spirit
to blow across the land
and give growth
and strength
to struggling plants
and people alike.
We pray for Safety
in the moment
when waiting gives way
to doing,
that the doing
not be undone
by hurry
or shortcuts.
We pray for Wisdom
in the midst
of the rush,
that bodies not become
so tired
that minds make
costly errors.
We pray for Patience
that the hurried pace
of fevered opportunity
not become the seed bed
of short tempered,
unlistening ears,
which hear not Your call
to walk in peace
the path set before us.
We pray for Discernment,
that adversity not be
the final answer,
that difficulty not be
the only direction,
that hardship not be
the last straw,
before understanding
that You are in all things,
bringing Hope.
And we pray for the farmers
We pray for those with whom
You partner
to feed the world,
that they not be lost
in the fury of the
Springtime storms
your ongoing creation
whips over the land.
We pray for those
whose tender hearts
and toughened hands
wait in prayerful vigil
for the shed door
of your growing season
to open
and welcome them
into Your future
for us all.
We pray for the farmers,
O God,
and in so doing,
we pray for ourselves,
for these faithful few
among us,
still do with You
what the majority
in our world
cannot do for themselves:
They raise the grain
which make the loaves,
they nurture the vineyards
which yield the wine,
and in Your Strong Hands
and in Your Gentle Voice
we hear the blessing,
"My Body"
"My Blood",
the crop becoming
the harvest
a resurrection.
We pray for the farmers
and their families,
that in Your Love,
their prayers
would be heard,
and our world
receive your caress.
In Jesus' name.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Don

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