Thursday, April 24, 2008

They Broke Ground in the Face of the Rain

My oldest brother, Larry, called me at the office this morning to tell me they had begun Spring work in the fields. Dad was discing and Larry was putting the duals on another tractor to begin field cultivating. Killing back the weed-grown fields, long standing before tillage due to the heavy rains, is of first priority, even with high fuel costs. Farmers are going to have an interesting and challenging year and, for the Wagner farm, it formally begins today.

Ironically, they are breaking ground in the face of a rapidly moving weather front that is bringing in what the forecasters are calling 'heavy rain'. Still, the work has to be started for the weeds are only going to grow bigger and thicker in the days ahead. Clutch out, throttle forward, hydraulics down, it is time to open the earth. If we wait for a perfect day, we may not ever begin.

There is a lesson there for all of us: If we allow ourselves to become paralyzed by waiting for the perfect moment to 'make that witness', to 'share that Christian care', or 'love as we are loved', we may never do anything other than to contemplate our own navel, grousing all the while that we never get a chance to do anything. Sometimes, you have to pull the tractor and disc out of the shed knowing that you might get wet doing what needs to be done. Sometimes, you have to enter the field at the East end, while looking towards the West end where the storm clouds are gathering. Isn't that what Jesus did as He entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday? As He entered the Temple and tore down the tables of the money changers?

"In season and out of season . . ." we are called to live this life of faith, to walk with Christ, to enter the fields of God's own choosing, that God's will be done.

I just looked out the windows of my office and the ground is wet. I wonder how far they got in the fields today? They may not have gotten done, but they are farther than if they had waited for the perfect day to begin.

May you begin in the fields which lie before you in the Spirit God gives.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Don

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