Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Missed Days

I haven't written for two days, and missed a couple of days last week. Such has been the 'busy-ness' of pastoral life in these days. Easter Sunday was to be the transition point from a hectic Lenten calendar to a more relaxed Easter Season schedule, but the days are flying by like wispy clouds in a Springtime breeze and, judging by the way events and expectations are piling up on my planner, it is not going to get better soon. Days off and time spent writing have become a nearly non-existent commodity in the face of constantly being 'on', being involved in church and community, and trying to stay up with the lives of folks who mean so much. It makes me wonder how Jesus balanced it.
In His ministry, thousands followed Him. Many more would crowd in upon Him, trying simply to touch the hem of His garment. Others cried out to Him from the side of the road. A few climbed trees hoping to be able to see Him. In the midst of it all, Jesus took time: Time for those who called out to Him; Time for those with whom He journeyed; and, time for Himself. Jesus went to places away . . . a garden, up a mountain, in a boat . . . and He allowed Himself the time and space to be renewed, to be lifted up as on wings of angels, if you will. He so desired to fully serve God's will that He cared for Himself along the way. Jesus understood the importance of balance in ministry far better than most folks in ministry today.
Sometimes our 'good old German work ethic' overshadows the wisdom of God and God's desire that our lives be full and rich in the ministries to which we are called. What good is our exhaustion if the only thing being exhausted is our own ego-driven need to be needed? Is there a message of Good News to be proclaimed to the world in stopping along the path of life to breathe in the Goodness of God? Is there a Gospel to be celebrated in receiving directly of God's delightful imagination in tending to one's own spiritual journey and needs along the way? Is there a witness to be made in saying 'No' when asked to do 'just one more thing'? Is there a truth which needs to be discerned between living a life with meaning and just living life?
Christ Himself is our Good News. Jesus is the Gospel of God among us. He is the the Witness of all that God intends. The question is not, 'Are we willing to be disciples of the Living Christ as we walk this way on earth?' but, rather, 'As disciples, are we willing to live as Jesus has modeled life and service on His ministry on this earth?' The difference between the two is the difference, I think, between life and death, between Life in God's Kingdom and death to this world's many self-indulgent gods which seek simply to wear you out.
Take a moment or two to step back and breathe, to write, to sing, to celebrate life. It is God's gift to you in all you are called to be in ministry, for, were that not true, Jesus would not have shown us the way. In God's Spirit we are given life. In Christ, we are given new life. Don't squander the gift, let Him lead the way.
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life."
John 14.6a
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Don

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