Wednesday, February 24, 2016

God Is Shattering Our Chains . . . But, Why?

Pastor Don’s Corner . . .
An angel of the Lord appeared to Peter, tapped him on the side and said, ““Get up quickly!”
And the chains fell off his wrists.” (Acts 12:7 NRSV)

I believe with all my heart that, in Jesus Christ, God is shattering the chains which bind and enslave us, most of which are of our own choosing and design . . . much like those of Charles Dicken’s, A Christmas Carol, worn by Marley and Scrooge. They are chains . . .
Ø  Of wealth, of bling, of being better than others;
Ø  Of power, experience, of age and maturity;
Ø  Of right, entitlement, of assumed place and privilege;
Ø  Of bank accounts, investments, or interest to be made;
Ø  Of color, race, ethnicity, nationality and journey;
Ø  Of politics, party, platform and perceived self-righteousness;
Ø  Of religion, of a corner on God’s goodness, of certainty how God approves or disapproves;
Ø  Of running water, indoor bathrooms, refrigerated food, and a purchased food supply;
Ø  Of technology which demands our every moment and instant communication which mutes our mind;
Ø  Of Sabbath which offers no rest, worship which serves no God but you . . . and the mindless drivel of prayers offered more for your money than your soul;
Ø  Of dependency on bombs for peace, of bullets for power and landmines for domination;
Ø  Of acceptable body shape, clothing needs and fitness of body and mind, yet lack of soul;
Ø  Of spirituality without community, of religion without mission and faith without mercy;
These, and so many more, are the chains which bind us . . . and it is far easier to see them in and upon others than it is to recognize their binding power in our own lives. Still, they are there. Still, they cling. Still their heaviness weighs our every step down. Still, God is at work in Jesus Christ, shattering the chains which bind. The empty tomb is God’s formidable, stark Witness of that truth. But, the haunting question lingers on, ‘For what?’ Why is God, in being God, so determined to shatter the chains we forge and design for our own lives? In ‘releasing us from’, what is God ‘moving us towards’?
I believe, too, there are ‘thin places’ between the Realm of God and the realm of earth – and every so often we glimpse here on earth a vision through the thin places of what already is in the Realm of God . . . and when we see it, we know it and God is in it. The chains are left shattered on the ground. We see such things . . .
Ø  When, regardless the poverty, everything is shared;
Ø  When national boundaries mean less than human need and safety;
Ø  When faith matters more than religion and faithfulness more than dogma or certainty;
Ø  When personal resources are the catalyst for communal health;
Ø  When personal contact takes priority over technological touches;
Ø  When the only advantages society seeks are those which build stronger communities;
Ø  When diversity is embraced, cultural differences valued and ethnic histories are considered sacred;
Ø  When the politics of nationalism are considered the handmaiden of the world community;
Ø  When the tail of popularity, wealth and power no longer wags the shared human experience;
Ø  When Sabbath is rest in God, worship feeds the soul and prayers invite the heart to be truthful;
Ø  When the ‘challenges’ of first world living giving way to humble sharing of available resources;
Ø  When the journey of faith is one of responsiveness to God in tending to the other with honor, integrity and respect;
Ø  And, When acceptability has nothing to do with the clothes one wears, the shape of one’s body or the level of fitness one maintains but, rather, in the mission and mercy in which one engages each day.
Our chains are being shattered that we might offer ourselves as servants, one to the other, all for the sake of serving the Vision of the One who sent Christ to lead us on the way. It is as simple as that, it is as difficult as that, for it requires that we humbly receive the Gift of freedom, embody the freedom of the Giver and, then, free others that they might glimpse the Realm of God in the places we dwell together on earth.
In the places of our temporal imprisonment on earth, God is guiding God’s angels to wrestle us out of our lethargy and indifference in the midst of our captors and is moving us towards change and possibility, allowing the chains of this world to fall off, now ultimately useless, and take up our cross to follow Jesus. For such freedom we are set free, for such a vision we have been given the sight of Jesus, and for such ministries we are empowered in the Spirit to serve.
God’s is not an idle freedom, neither is the Church birthed in the Spirit to be an unmoving Body, nor are we to be mute witnesses to an empty tomb. We are set free for dynamic, transforming servanthood, authentic in Love, committed in Soul and ongoing in a Joy no grave could ever contain.
It is time to stand up and let the chains fall off. It is time to move forward, allowing tradition to bury its own dead. It is time to witness to that for which we pray, “. . . in earth as it is in Heaven.” For such we are born anew each day and for such we pledge ourselves in every moment that the ‘thin places’ between the Realm of God and the realm of earth are made visible in Whose we are and in Whom we are becoming.
Have a blessed Easter . . . as the chains fall off your wrists and you are led to new life in Christ!

Pastor Don

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