Friday, December 13, 2013

A New Beatitude

A new Beatitude for the modern age:
'Blessed are those who dwell among folk with remarkable camera skills, for they shall see the Presence of God anew.'
This morning I am inspired by two among God's children who have such gifts, Father Jerry Schweitzer and Stephanie Liefer, (FB name, Kirk Stephanie Liefer). Seeing the world through their eyes is an exquisite experience of wonder and faith, and to open one's day by glimpsing creation through the lens of their understanding is see the face of God again and again, making Holy the moments into which we journey together. These two people are as diverse in background as one could imagine, yet are as kindred as the Baptismal waters through which they wade every day, for shared in their DNA is that of being God's children who are open to the movement of the Spirit and willing co-conspirators in announcing the nearness of the Kingdom. Oh, there are many among us who are quite capable of capturing that occasional moment with similar skill, but to be consistent about it, to be immersed in the passion and open to the wonder, those are gifts given to a few . . . and the rest of us are blessed recipients of their grace.
Maybe that is why God sent to earth Jesus: to allow humanity to see God face-to-face through the eyes and heart of One open to God's Imminence. Emmanuel, God With Us, opens our eyes to see God in the wonder of a sunrise, in the beauty of an snowy morning, in the majesty of a lame man walking, in the surprise of woman made whole, in the loveliness of a child being given new life, in the marvel of a dead man being released from his grave clothes, in the awe of sins forgiven, even . . . perhaps especially, in the splendor of His own empty tomb. 'Come, come and see God as I know God,' says Jesus, as He touches the leper and embraces the adultery of our living. 'Open your eyes and perceive how close God is,' speaks the Child, as even the hem of His robe heals the nations and causes to cease the flowing blood of long held wounds and despair.
'Blessed are those who dwell among folk with remarkable camera skills, for they shall see the Presence of God anew' . . . and blessed are those who walk in the One Who creates the vistas, Who shapes the wonders, Who opens the eyes of the unseeing, and inspires among us those to share the Vision . . . for to them a Child is born, a Son is given. To them the Kingdom is announced by angel voices. Thanks be to God!
An Advent pondering on the journey to Bethlehem.

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