Sunday, March 21, 2010

In Perspective

"Government big enough to give you everything you want is large enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson
It is easier to blame the State of Illinois for failing to pay the monies owed to school districts than to face our own part in making those monies unavailable.
It is easier to blame Representatives and Senators for failing their responsibility to their citizens than to be a responsible citizen.
It is easier to have high expectations of those who debate health care reform than to have high expectations of our own health care behaviors.
It is easier to expect government to provide necessary services for all citizens than to provide necessary care for each other.
It is easier to make bricks for, and eat the meat of, Pharaoh than to follow God's leading out of slavery and trust the manna God provides.
We have the government we demand, but can we survive the government we have?

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