Monday, August 11, 2008

He Came Home Stronger

Our youngest son, Ched, went to the Boy Scouts Florida Sea Base for a week of high adventure camping. He snorkeled among the reefs of the Florida Keys, fished, took pictures of sharks and lived without fresh running water or 'facilities' for the entire time . . . and loved it.
As he stepped off of the Metro Link train which brought our local contingent of Scouts back from the airport, I had to stop and catch my breath: Where was the 'boy' we had taken to that same station a short time before? There standing in front of me was a young man, bronzed by the sun, rippling with muscles that had seemingly, overnight, become larger and harder, and whose confidence and abilities made him a leader among his peers.
Looking on, I watched as he grabbed his large duffel bag and slung it over his back, taking a few steps to extend his hand and offer his thanks to the adult leaders with the group. His companions at the Sea Base, gravitated towards him, laughingly sharing stories, promising to keep in touch, and waiting until he acknowledged each one by name and a handshake. With two large strides he moved from them to wrap me in the biggest of bear-hugs a son could offer his father, telling me how much he missed me and, without worry of his nearby peer's opinions, added how much he loved us all.
I walked with Ched from the platform of the station to my car, every step driving deeper the understanding that the 'boy' was becoming a 'man' . . . but just not any man, he is becoming a man of God who values others as God values him. Thus, the handshakes and the words of appreciation to his leaders. Thus, the stories with his camp-mates and the importance of their names on his lips in parting. Thus, his willingness to unashamedly hug his dad and, before those with whom he had shared so much that week, also share with them what most is valued in life with his family.
Maybe that is why each of them stopped and waited until he walked and talked with them in leaving. Maybe that is why he fairly glowed, even in the late evening's fading light, as he moved from train to car, from childhood to adulthood. Maybe that is why I am left pondering the transformation: It happened in the twinkling of an eye - or maybe it just seems that way to a father who has shared so many steps along the way with his sons that I had long taken for granted that which few are ever privileged to witness: a child of God maturing, growing stronger, in the stature of one who walks in faith.
Something inside of me isn't sure I am nearly as ready for the changes Ched is undergoing as he is, but then, is any parent ready for such changes?! What was it that God was thinking of the Son as Jesus stumped the teachers in the Temple? As He gave sight to the blind? Or spoke the words of the Sermon on the Mount? What is it that God thinks of all God's children as they find their legs of faith and walk in the strength of the Lord?
Where the strength of the Lord takes Ched, I do not know, but of this I am glad: I am glad it is the strength of the Lord that leads him and that in all which is before him, I have been allowed this moment in time to see God's light shining in him. Thank you God for such humbling gifts.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Don

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